Wednesday, July 11, 2012

In response to Anne Stickney "Does World of Warcraft need to be more difficult?"

The original article can be read here on Wow Insider.

This is my response (also posted as a comment under the article)

I miss attunements, and let me explain...

attune [əˈtjuːn]vb (tr)1. to adjust or accustom (a person or thing); acclimatize

What this means to me is that you become adjusted tot he skill level needed to do the "next" piece of content.

I remember when I was in Kara in BC and a friend of mines guild was in Grull's and SSC and they never looked down on us for being further behind than them, because we were working our butts off to see the new content (which we eventually did and all of it).

Nostalgia has nothing to do with this as Matt Rossi might imply ( ). It's about doing something that was hard to do and being proud that you did it. It's about my stories with guildies about how BAD we all were back in the beginning of TBC because we couldn't follow simple raid mechanics like Attumen the huntsman ( ) and how we progressed each night and how sometimes we thought it would be impossible, until one day the group clicked and we made it through each piece of content. It's about going into Zul Aman 10 times before figuring out what each person needed to do before killing the bear boss and then reflecting and using those skills and "On the fly strategizing" in later raids.

I don't claim to be the best, but I do claim to be good. I have realized after leveling a Paladin (after giving away my account after the first tier of Cata and buying a new one) that the journey for me from 1-85 was nowhere near as epic as my journey from 1-70 in BC or 1-60 in Vanilla (though I wasn't a huge fan of Vanilla). I have also come to realize that playing the game for gear isn't enough anymore, because after just a few days of doing heroics (from crafted and quest blues) I am now almost ready for the "End game" content and have no desire again to do it because it will end my "not so epic" journey.

It used to be that Blizzard was gamers first, business men second, but evidently to combat loss of subscribers and money we have catered to those who either don't remember or never knew what it used to be like.

On an observation note. A lot of the players who enjoyed TBC were probably like me in college and had free time to raid constantly so TBC was fun and it was okay to do things that way, but now that we have all grown up and have responsibilities, kids, wives, mortgage payments, and jobs, we feel like we have the right to ask for content that is more accessible. What we (the people of this situation) don't realize is that we are teaching the newer generations that it is supposed to be easy and everything will be handed to you if you just whine a little bit, and it doesn't stop there. We have robbed them of the very experience that we had "growing up with WoW".

I miss the old ways, not the old days.
Monday, July 2, 2012

Back with a holy vengence!

Well I'm back and I have revamped my interest in my Paladin especially for the upcoming expansion (Mist of Pandaria). I don't have much to say about the expansion as I have not been invited to the beta (but I'm still trying to win a key from various sites). My current Paladin is Brutalizzy on US - Lightbringer, who is not 85 but will be pretty soon!

As you can see if it's been a while since you have been by this site, I have changed a few things up, mainly the look and feel of the site. I thought since we were comming into a new expansion it would be a good idea to  update the site with the new look. Let me know what you think and don't forget to bookmark for convenience.

Just a bit of information:

I will be writing an article once a week on Tuesdays (because it's maintenance day of course...) and plan to relay some of the information and debates from the various forums I frequent, and put my .02 cents in as well. I'm really looking forward to this expansion (unlike Cataclysm) and can't wait to get in the fray and start writing about it!
